Criminal Business Law
The Criminal Business Law postgraduate programme in English aims to provide participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to face current challenges in the criminal field at national, European and international level. The programme is composed of a variety of modules covering a wide range of relevant theoretical and practical topics, aiming to develop skills by combining theoretical knowledge with practical activities.
The courses, seminars and practical activities will be conducted online, but sessions that require physical presence and allow interaction with the lecturers will also be organized. The participants will have the opportunity to listen to presentations by renowned lecturers with international experience at the highest levels.
At the same time, they will be able to discuss topics of interest related to the international regulation in force regarding crimes specific to the business environment with lecturers and practitioners from abroad, each of them having the highest level of experience in their field of activity.
The postgraduate program is defined by a rigorous academic training in which special attention is paid to the debates that have as their object case studies and case studies relevant in the fields circumscribed to it.
Last but not least, the postgraduate program offers students an advanced understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts specific to the banking environment and new technologies, approached in a transdisciplinary manner, relating legal provisions to economic activity.
International Tax Avoidance and Evasion
The course aims to familiarize students with international standards in the field of combating financial fraud, in general, and corruption offenses by deepening some theoretical and practical notions in the matter.
International and EU legal framework on anti money laundering
This course provides a comprehensive perspective on combating money laundering, both at European and international level. European and international standards in the matter will be doubled by practical examples.
Confiscation and recovery of assets
The confiscation and recovery of the proceeds of crime is an increasingly important concern both nationally and internationally. The increasingly elaborate financial schemes that lead to the concealment of the proceeds of crime make it increasingly difficult to identify and recover it. Therefore, combating this phenomenon requires an appropriate response. In this line, the course is to bring into focus theoretical and practical concepts regarding confiscation and recovery of assets and modern means of achievement
Crimes against the financial interests of the European Union
This type of crime affecting the European Union budget is a current challenge. In order to achieve a better fight at the level of the European Union, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office was established with specific powers. Studying this type of crime is also a necessity for understanding the financial schemes that lead to defrauding the European Union budget and the mechanisms to fight it.
Institutional Partners

The programme is addressed to people who work at national and international level in the fields of criminal law and criminal procedure, of forensic expertise but also in related economic fields (prosecutors, judges, lawyers, legal advisers, police officers, accounting experts, consultants, representatives of the business environment etc.).
Students will receive the materials necessary to acquire the knowledge related to each course, in electronic format as well as materials specific to practical activities.
In the online meetings, the specific theoretical notions will be explained and exemplified, in order to understand, acquire and apply them.
Important Dates:
Registrations: October 16th – December 8th, 2023
Teaching activities: January 15th, 2024
Study Fee: 4000 RON
Registration Fee: 125 RON
For payment youhave the following links:

Vincent Filhol
Head of French delegation to the Group of States against Corruption
Graduate in corporate law and public law, Vincent Filhol was deputy prosecutor at the Court of Appeal of Orléans and then deputy prosecutor at the Ministry of Justice.
In 2015, he joined the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office in Paris, one year after its creation.
In 2016, he implemented a new law in France on preventing and fighting corruption.
Since 2019, he has been a seconded magistrate in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He is the head of the French delegation to the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). He regularly participates in international forums (OECD, UNODC).
He also teaches Criminal Law / Financial Crimes at Paris I University.

Italo Borrello
Director at the Financial Intelligence Unit for Italy (UIF)
After graduating in Law cum laude in 1989 from the University of Rome, he obtained in 1995 a PhD in „Organization and Functioning of Public Administrations”.
He was a contract professor at the University of Viterbo (1998-2001) and lecturer in several courses and master’s degrees.
He authored publications on public finance, banking and financial regulation and supervision, anti-money laundering and anti-corruption.
He joined the Bank of Italy in 1994 and has served in the UIF since 2008. Within the UIF he served in the Regulation and Institutional Relations and in the International Cooperation Divisions. As director at the Analysis and Institutional Relations Department he currently deals with specific topics, including the prevention of corruption and tax crimes, and acts as UIF’s representative in relations with national authorities, including, among others, the National Anticorruption Authority, and the Revenue Agency.
He is also involved in the anti- corruption coordination committee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, established to share experiences and best practices among national authorities in the field of the prevention and suppression of financial crimes.
As a member of Italian Delegations, he takes part regularly in the works of the Financial Action Task Force, the Task Force on Tax Crime (both at the OECD), and the Moneyval (at the Council of Europe). He also represents the FIU Italy at the Egmont Group of the FIUs.
Furthermore, he is involved, as evaluator, in teams for the assessment of the AML/CFT systems and represents the UIF as an expert in conferences and seminars both at international and national level.

Mona Popescu Boulin
United States Department of Justice Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT) Central Europe Anti-Corruption Resident Legal Advisor
Since April 2022, Peter N. Halpern has served as the United States Department of Justice Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT) Central Europe Anti-Corruption Resident Legal Advisor.
From 2018 to 2022, Peter was the OPDAT Resident Legal Advisor for Indonesia.
Prior to joining OPDAT, Peter was a trial attorney with the DOJ Public Integrity Section in Washington, DC, where he prosecuted public corruption cases across the United States.
Peter received his undergraduate degree from American University in Washington, DC, and his JD from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law.
Before joining DOJ, Peter served as a law clerk for the Honorable Judge Margaret “Meg” Ryan on the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and the Honorable Judge Alison J. Nathan on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Mona Popescu Boulin
delegated European prosecutor attached to the Prosecutor's Office European
Mona Popescu Boulin has a degree in Law from the University of Toulouse 1 Chapter, attended the National School of Magistracy in Bordeaux, the Institute of Political Studies in Rennes and completed master’s studies in European Law at the University of Utrecht, International and Comparative Law at the University of Uppsala and International and American Law at the University of Texas.
She has extensive experience in the French prosecutor’s office, he was a liaison magistrate for Romania and the Republic of Moldova regarding the coordination of the operational actions of the French, Romanian, Moldovan and European police and judicial authorities (EUROJUST, EUROPOL) and from 2021 he is a delegated European prosecutor attached to the Prosecutor’s Office European.

Michael McNeir
consultant and the founder of FORUM Financial Advisory & Training
Michael McNeir is a consultant and the founder of FORUM Financial Advisory & Training Solutions SRL based in Bucharest, Romania. where his business focuses on corporate and criminal law consultancy, AML compliance background checks, business training in Anti – money laundering compliance, corporate fraud anti bribery & corruption, and asset recovery.
FORUM Financial Advisory & Training Solutions SRL is also working in collaboration with a prestigious Romanian boutique law firm based in Bucharest.
Michael has conducted many presentations on various aspects of Financial Crime including Money Laundering linked to private education at the 35th International Symposium on Economic Crime at the University of Cambridge, Fraud at the London Law firm Howard Kennedy and at other UK conferences. Michael has given presentations at the 2017 & 2018 Montenegrin National conferences on Bribery & Corruption in Podgorica advising Government ministers as well as here in Bucharest at the 2020 GOVNET conference on white collar crime, at a British Romanian Chamber of Commerce breakfast meeting panel on business trends in 2020 and a co presenter in a webinar dealing with the ‘The most effective way in combating money laundering in the post covid world’. In April 2021 Michael was involved with the National Whistleblowing Centre in the United States in a conference about promoting the forthcoming Whistleblowing Legislation in the European Union.
Michael is currently involved in providing training for the Law Department of the Bucharest Academy of Social Economics as well as for Romanian and International businesses here in Romania on aspects of Criminal & Terrorism Financing and other areas of financial crime as required by current Romanian and International legislation along with assisting other jurisdictions.
Previously, Michael was a Detective and Financial Investigator with the Metropolitan Police New Scotland Yard in the Homicide & Serious Crime Command investigating high profile homicide investigations, where Michael conducted Financial Investigations and Financial profiling to assist in securing convictions for Homicide. Michael later transferred to the Organised Crime Unit and to the Financial Asset Confiscation and Enforcement unit seizing various assets from convicted criminals both in the UK and globally, so their confiscation orders were enforced.
Registration Forms
Please fill in the registration form
Please fill in the GDPR form
Postgraduate Studies Regulation
„This Postgraduate Study programme represents the best opportunity for young professionals from criminal business law environment to enrich their knowledge and to find out the new updates in this dynamic field”
Programme Coordinator
Send the following documents to:
Registration for this programme is online by adressing the request and documents the the email
Personal documents
1. Birth certificate
2. Copy of the ID Card
3. Copy of the medical certificate
4. Marriage certificate (if it’s the case)
Main documents
1. The signed application file – it can be found on the website
2. The signed affidavid – it can be found on the website
Study Documents
1. Copy of the Bachelor Diploma
2. Copy of the Bachelor Transcript of Records
Facultatea de Drept ASE
strada Piața Romana 6, sector 1, București